No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Aleph Bex

I'm doin' it too. Why? I have no exams left, and I can do what I want with no guilt!

A- AVAILABLE: Not really. I mean, I have time, but I'm tired. I really can't be emotionally available for you right now, and I don't really want to travel to see you... so if you're willing to come to me I'm available.

B - BIRTHDAY: July 28th and I like it.

C - CRUSHING: I haven't had a hard crush in like a year. I get a little gooey with some celebrities though. Most impressive crush lately was when Jess and I fell hard for the Lonely Island boys. It got to the point where we would be on the verge of tears watching their sketches because we loved them so much. Then we would inevitably break into "Baby it Hurts to Love You" by the Philosopher Kings. We wrote them a saucy letter, and when they didn't respond we had to take a break from seeing them.

D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Currently drinking mint tea. Last alcoholic drink was Naked Grape merlot.

E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Tough call. I would have to say Jess and Steve are at the top. In terms of history and references, and our own Box kind of language, Jess is pretty easy to talk to. But Steve and I talk pretty good. I find myself pretty easy to talk to.

F - FAVOURITE BAND: Ani DiFranco. I would have loved to have seen her when she played with a full band. Otherwise I love a little Floyd and Zepplin.

G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Bears if I'm entertaining, worms if I'm feeling nostalgic.

H - HOMETOWN: T-dot O o o

I - INSTRUMENT: Come over here baby and I'll play your instrument!

J - JUGGLE: I can juggle scarves like nobodies business (it was part of my clown act when I was running the birthday party circuit). My dad is a juggler and I generally feel like I'll never live up to him. He goes to the gym to practice!


L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: I actually don't know. Recently, to Eerie for an Ani concert.

M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOUR: Chocolate. But I'll have a sip of your strawberry just to see what it would have been like.

N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: One. He's awesome.

O - ONE WISH: For some clarity.


Q- QUICKIE? You can try, but it never turns out that way.

R - REASON TO SMILE: Jenny ends up on a goddamned raft floating in the ocean on the finaly of the LWord. What the hell? I watched it two days ago and I'm still smiling.

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Colbert Report theme.

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 12:07pm. Mmmmm sleeping in. I haven't seen morning in days.

U - UNDERWEAR: More expensive then I'd like, but I RARELY go without.

V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: I don't hate vegetables, but I DO hate frozen vegetable mix. Frozen corn I'll eat, but if there are peas, carrots or green beans involved, I'm not interested. Come to think of it I have been known to refer to peas as little green balls of feet, but I'll tolerate them if they're not the main feature.

W - WORST HABIT: Lately I've been peeling the skin off the bottom of my feet. It's bad. And it makes walking hurt. Yesterday Tama taped my feet up so that I couldn't touch them. It was effective.

X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: X-rays, meh, I'm in the big time now! MRIs or bust!


Z- ZODIAC SIGN: I'm a Leo, but I'm a little cuspy with Cancer. Sometimes I'm Leo-y, but I feel like Leos are supposed to have better self-esteem.


Blogger Tederick said...

Well this is just outstanding.

7:27 AM


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