Well the time has come for the final paper of the season and in true me fashion, I haven't started yet. It's an anthropology paper on crack dealers in East Harlem, but I finished the book today so how hard can it be?
So I'm sitting here downloading muppet songs and bloggin' instead of writing. I got another all-nighter paper back today which was entirely demoralizing. It was for my Shakespearean Contexts course and I got a 67%. Which only really bothers me because out of all three I was most confident about this one, and I followed every freakin' analysis step that the prof laid out. I'm going to go talk to him, because obviously I'm not understanding what's required and I have to do another one of these passage analysis on the final exam.
OH maturity.
Chances are I'll be back a'bloggin' before the night is out. I was filled with much Bush rage and not the kind where my vagina attacks.
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