Check Out My Outsides There Ain't Nothin' In Here
I'm feeling shockingly nauseous from coming off the fast. I woke up this morning and questioned whether or not I could make it downstairs without vommiting. I've been feeling tired, achy, weak, nauseous and chilled so I'm kind of scared this is just a poorly timed flu. Who knows.
I'm sitting here working on procrastinating until the very last minute for my exam tonight. I don't regret deferring the exam, I'm just nervous because there are a number of texts that I haven't read since September or October and I'm concerned that I won't know the details that will be necessary to get me through the short answer portions. Also my insane inability to focus right now is making me worried. Ultimately I know I won't fail the course but my overall average without this class last semester was 80.4% and I'd really like to keep the 80. There's not a lot of breathing room though. We'll see, maybe the professor will be lenient with the grading.
I'm forcing myself to study at my desk now since the couch and my bed both made me drift off. I am sooooooo looking forward to being able to have some rice tomorrow. I love grains. I love them so damn much!
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