No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Nightmare

It was 8pm and I was in the main bedroom of my Zaida's house when the first note appeared. I was preparing for my presentation and when I glanced down at my textbook from my laptop there was a threatening note scrawled across the front of it in gold pen in graffiti style font. It told me I was going to be killed. It told me to be in that bed by 11:20pm. I was shockingly calm considering I was alone in the house, but I decided to call Steve to come over. While we were on the phone he suggested that to keep myself occupied I should listen to the audio of this movie that he had sent me. I plugged my headphones into my laptop and carried it around while I listened and prepared to leave. I was really aware of how strange it was to listen to the background music and sound effects without the visual cues for interpretation.

When I walked into the livingroom there was a thin young man standing there, staring at me. He had long, straight, fair hair and he was thin with slight muscles. He looked smug and pleased with himself. I immediately thought that he had written the note. Our eyes locked for a moment and when I broke away there was another threatening note written across my laptop. There was no way this man could have not written it. The killer was in the house and was coming close enough to cover my possessions with sprawling gold writing. I was a little shaken. I moved about the house gathering my things trying to ignore the presence of this young man.

Steve arrived shortly after. When he came in two strangers, a man and a woman from outside, followed to see if I was okay. They were both in business attire. The street was uncharacteristically busy with transport trucks and a multitude of cars. The noise was overwhelming. I never figured out how they knew to check if I was okay, but when they saw the young man they turned around and left abruptly. When the woman ran outside I saw a transport truck with a giant gold message to her pass by, and she screamed. The man held up his newspaper and it too was covered in the gold writing. I knew that they were going to die.

Steve and I decided to leave in a few minutes. He had to go downtown so he was going to ride the subway with me. This surprised me because I assumed he was just stopping in. I was relieved. The young man started talking to us, making fun of us for thinking it was going to be so easy to leave. He exuded a sick confidence that made my stomach churn. I went into the bedroom to get a few things. Steve went to the kitchen to grab a snack. As I was packing I realized I hadn't heard from Steve for a while so I passed the smirking young man in the hallway and headed to the kitchen. Then I saw it. The sink was filled with sand and in the middle was Steve's blue and cold disembodied face. I felt like my core had dropped out of me. The young man began to laugh.

A woman came into the house. She was enraged. She looked a lot like the woman that had come in earlier. She was taller than me and wearing a business suit. She engaged the young man in a flirty dialogue, but I could tell that they were both pulsing with rage. He advanced on her and she kicked him in the stomach. He then made a comment along the lines of "I was going to fuck you, but since you did that..." Then he jumped on to her, knocking her onto the ground. He sat on her chest and pinned her arms under his knees. She struggled as hard as she could but couldn't break free. He grabbed her face and screamed an echoing "NO!" and as he did, his face melted and blurred, his eyes became hollow and black. In that moment I suddenly became the woman beneath him and the demon face looked pleased with the switch. As I was beginning to black out, the image of this dark haired woman with sinister eyes appeared and she was just laughing at me. She was so satisfied. I knew she was the killer. And I knew she was in the basement with the bodies.

I woke up with a start feeling the weight of a hand on my thigh. There was no one there. My body was tingly, my head was aching, and I couldn't go back into my room for hours.


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