No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Ossidious Emphatic

So my old friend Lupus is back on the table. It's not as enthusiastic as it once seemed to be, but it's looking like Lupus and MS are battling at the moment for claim of my body. I'm hoping they'll fight to the death and there will be some freak accident where they both start swinging their medieval maces they will be running at each other and in the intensity of the moment end up striking each other in the temple at the exact same moment and falling down into a bleeding brainy pile of disease... meaning I won't have either. I will sell tickets and popcorn to this event. Mark April 26 in your calendars.

I went in this morning for a Rhuematologist appointment at this medical centre in Guelph that I had never heard of. It turns out it was a longterm senior's care facility that was literally in the middle of nowhere. It was a huge shiny building with a field around it and a couple of bungalows across the street. I got out of the cab and felt like I was stepping into some bizarre short story (that I have yet to write) where I was going to go in and never come out. I wasn't quite emotionally prepared for spending my morning in the public area of a nursing home, but I think I did okay. Besides the Lupus and whatnot. They actually don't think that it's very likely but it's certainly still a possibility. I just have to wait for the all-knowing MRI.


Blogger Tederick said...

Regardless of the outcome I think on the 26th we should stage a live-action prize fight between Lupus and MS. I'll be Lupus. Mark can be MS because he looks sclerotic anyway. We'll beat the shit out of each other wearing home-made armour. Good?

1:32 PM


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