No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Cool Aunt Bex the Second

Something screwed up with el blogger, and my post "cool aunt bex" got deleted. Which is sad, because I really have little to no recollection of what it was about. I believe it involved the camp concert at the bullring and meeting up with my faux-nephews. Oh yeah, and how I felt incredibly mom-ish and was worried that I would carried away this weekend. Anyway, I did okay. I was slightly compelled to care for my friends, but I tried to keep it at bay. My faux-nephews ended up blowing me off for dinner again, which kind of sucks. I've been trying to get them to the box since september and it hasn't happened yet. Oldest faux nephew is having a rough time so I can be sort of understanding, but I just wanted to feed him so he'd feel better! Oh wow I'm such a Jew.

If you're squeamish around menstrual blood I'd stop reading now...

I'm slightly overwhelmed at the moment. I have 143 pages of The Monk to read for tomorrow, and some preparations for a presentation on Wednesday. I can probably come close to finishing. On top of that my body is entirely screwed up. I haven't bled for fifty days. The doc says I'm not preggers, so I'm just ridiculously messed up. I took that regularity for granted when I was on the pill. Bah. I'm pretty freaked out by the whole thing.


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