two clowns masturbating on a ghost
This has been a busy weekend and I feel... not great. Break it down now:
I had an intense shout out with the folks at travelcuts when I went to buy my greyhound ticket. The bastards put a two dollar service charge on my ticket because they say they are trying to disourage students from buying their tickets at the last minute on Thursdays and Fridays. So I yelled at the guy who sold me my ticket, his manager, and her boss. I was riled. I still don't know what "service" they provided me that was different from buying a ticket on a Wednesday. So I will let the letter writing campaign begin.
I arrived in Toronto around 5:30 and headed over to Steve's place. He was smooth as eggs as he surprised me with flowers and a juice box. So sweet. We then headed downtown to the Lula Lounge to see my brother and David Hannan perform in The Friendly Rich Show. I had never been to the Lula Lounge before, but it was shmancy and enjoyable. I had an appetizer and two mojitos which was satisfying. I could have written an essay about this show which was also pretty satisfying. The premise is that it's sort of maccabre vaudeville and it works. They have puppets, and orchestra, annimated shorts, and Benwood as a gorilla playing the ukelele. It's very much like the original stage performance of Pee-Wee's Playhouse, so it's right in my field of interest. It's all happening again next month at the Lula Lounge on April 27th, so I'm going to try to get a huge bunch together. It was great.
Steve and I woke up and went across the street for an all day breakfast. That was fun. And so greasy. Then we wandered down to Dominion to drop off film, before heading back to his place. I foolishly forgot all of this stuff I brought home to give to my family over at his place which is annoying. It almost exploded my head. I guess Friday was the day when my head started to balloon up. I waited around at Steve's house to hear from my family what was going on for dinner as there was talk of a going out-type birthday dinner, but we ended up getting take-out souvlaki dinners and Ben took a nap while we ate them. I left my house for Steve's around 9:45 and that sucked. My head ballooned out bigger. I was in a lot of physical pain the entire subway ride and I'm not sure why. When I arrived there were way more people there than I had really wanted to see. The night ended up in semi-awkward reminiscing about highschool until Steve and I pretended to be sleepy around 2:30am and kicked everyone out. We then had a classy snack of wine, cheese and strawberries while we played tetris. Oh yeah. We didn't end up going to bed until 5:30am, but it was definitley worth it.
I woke up crying from a horrible dream. One of those dreams where it makes you sad that that's how your subconscious feels about you. It pretty much set the tone for my day. I was all around sad. I carried my colourful daisies all the way back to Guelph (and now they are happily sitting beside my bed) but everything was gray. So I listened to sad music and felt generally bad. I arrived in Guelph at 4:30, but because of the stupid local bus system couldn't actually get to my house until 6pm. I'm going to stop now, and discuss the Springle later as I am running out of blog steam. Need fuel.
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