No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I started a joke

So I'm sitting on my floor thinking about what I should do next and listening to Reckoning... the Box signal that things are not okay... but there's no one here to read the signals anymore. The piles are slowly decreasing along with my motivation to sort through them, which is just no good. I have a bunch of Jessie's stuff in my room and I'm not sure where to put it right now because it's overwhelming me. Maybe I'll figure out a way to shove it in the closet because lord knows she's not coming to get it until December. The rest of the house is slowly coming together, but I'm sick of working on that too. I kind of just want to lie down. In fact I likely will lie down and read after I finish this post. It's either read or drink some cuban rum and seeing as how i'm alone and sad I don't think that would be the best idea. I also feel like I should eat something, but I'm just really not hungry. I think I'm going to have to make a list of what actually needs to get done before I leave Guelph and try to cook up some sort of schedule to motivate myself. I don't think I can do anything right now.


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