No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Turkey for me, turkey for you, let's eat the turkey in my big brown shoe.

I'm home alone and I'm okay. I finished two projects that have been waiting since the summer and worked on someone's Christmas present. I also watched a whole lot of television... but I'm okay with that. I cleaned the bathroom a little bit and thought about laundry... but I haven't made it down there yet.

I'm generally feeling okay. I'm trying to spin lonely feelings into "isn't it nice to spend some time alone" feelings and it's kind of working. I bought myself some happy sunflowers and they make me feel magical. It's also kind of nice to guiltlessly take over the livingroom.

It's been quite a good weekend. Steve came on Friday and we had a wonderful night of hiking, skipping stones, making big splashes, making a delicious dinner, watching 8 mile, giggling, and snuggling. Saturday was Turkey Day in Breslau which was nice. We had 19 people there which was a lot! There's been an influx of engagements for the Wood family, and my cousin Carolyn and I both brought boyfriends for the first time. It was a good one.

I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight and get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow to do some reading and some essay writing. That seems reasonable.


Blogger Unknown said...

That was some positive turkey-time.

I actually went to Andie's tonight for a turkey round 2.

Delicious, but overwhelming.

I'll see you on thursday!

Also... FESI. I'm only 3 minutes in right now, but it's promising!


12:34 AM


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