No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Fat Girls Don't Get to Wear Pretty Dresses

I spent four hours in dress shopping hell this afternoon. I am demoralized and grumpy.

It's after two in the morning and I still have to pack my bag for tomorrow. I'm bringing everything I need this weekend home to school tomorrow including a banana bread that I baked tonight.

Tonight has been odd. I feel like I've done a lot, but there's still a lot to do. I'm all restless and stressed about this weekend. As of right now I have nothing to wear and nothing to say, and as I understand it the M.C. is often heard and seen by most of the guests at a Bar Mitzvah. Oh god. Usually I'm the one sitting there and making fun of M.C.s. Phantom says that's my shtick and to run with it, but I dunno. I can't really bring myself to write a joke.

This is going to be the jazz-handiest M.C. job of them all.

I'll do my best to post on the homefront, but it will have to be sneaky as I really don't intend for the fam to find out about this blog after the annoying response to the last one.


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