No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Delhi Belly?

I just got an e-mail informing me that I have to chose my courses for next fall between March 15th and March 24th. That's way too soon. My goal for picking a major and deciding on India is now March 15th. Let the panic begin!

I'm terrified. In terms of a major it's all a matter of balancing everything I want to take and squeezing it into how ever many years I now plan to take to do my undergrad. No shame in that...

And India... I just spoke to a woman who went on the trip they ran two years ago and she told me something along the lines of "you will get homesick so bad that you think you'll die, the heat will be so bad you won't want to move and you think you'll actually die from dehydration and heat stroke, you'll get so physically ill that you think you're going to shit and vomit yourself to death, you will definitely have to go to the hospital and you will have to shit in front of someone to prove you have worms... but once you get over that you'll love it."

I just have to find a passion for the trip that will help me get over that. Because right now even the homesickness part seems like quite the obstacle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love Jess

5:52 PM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

I miss you too!

11:24 PM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

I hope Tama's getting Lezzy-laid right now!

11:24 PM


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