No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

When a woman gives birth to a crack baby you don't buy her a puppy.

Man, Tama's blog today made me laugh at my damn self today. Hilarious. Good to know that even when bad shit's going down other folks think I'm funny. Great.

My friend from my creative writing class told me today that the rest of our editing group (two other people) were talking about how they think that she's kind of a freak, which really means that they think I'm a freak too. Which is really funny. We thought we were all on the same wavelength, but yeah I think that that maybe Caitlin and I were just clinging to the moments of them paying attention to us! I think they're just threatened by us because they are poser activists and we're just too real for them. At least I'm a nerd with someone else! I always got a bit of a tag along vibe from them, I'm just glad it didn't end up all elementary school like where I'm all alone. I love Caitlin, if nothing else meeting her was an excellent part of this semester.


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