No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I want my old mind.

Well, those two last posts were horrifying. I'm tired and weird right now. I have been having really hardcore can't breathe kind of anxiety lately. The past two nights have been intensely immobile. I've been getting set off by little/insensitive things and my bounce back time is remarkably slow. Like a rubber ball in a sandbox. Maybe?

Anyway, I've got one more day in the studio on Friday and I need this beading to be over. I'm exhausted and that was the last place I wanted to be today. I'm hoping going to an Art Gallery tomorrow to play with my 18 month old and 3 year old third cousins will be somewhat healing. I can hope anyway.

I'm trying to keep breathing and keep people... well, not afraid of me. Maybe something wonderful will inspire some joyful things to write about in the next few days.


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