Oh radical clothing...
Just to prove my life isn't all bleak at the moment, Jess and I spent some time last night looking at feminist merchandise online, followed by some time at urbandictionary.com where we looked up some hilarious and also horrifying sexual acts. Anyway, here's some of the favourite feminist quotes and slogans:
-"People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that distinguish me from a doormat." -Rebecca West, age 20, 1913.
-Feminism Is the Radical Notion That Women Are People.
-I'll Be Post-Feminist in the Post-Patriarchy
-Don't Pray in my school and I won't think in your church
-Sorry I was late for church, I was out practicing witch craft and becoming a lesbian
-I hope the foetus you made me keep turns out to be a black gay democrat
and the ever-so classy pink shirt that reads "Feminism-- That's Hot"
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