No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Owweee oweeee ow.

Happy Wednesday everyone! I have myself a bladder infection so I'm currently curled up on the floorbed aching and trying not to pee. I caught it early enough that it's not as bad as last time where I was crying in the bathroom all night and delirious with pain. I was able to make a pile of vegetarian sushi tonight while taking a few sit-down breaks, but now I'm hurting. I had to wait two hours at the walk-in clinic for my perscription, but I survived it. The doctor said that it's pretty much going to get worse over tonight and tomorrow and that the anti-biotics might not actually work. I don't want to spend the next two days all crumpled!

So yes, I excused myself from the gym tonight, which sounds about right to me, and now I'm going to spend the next hour snuggled watching trashy tv. I'll work later if I can focus.


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