2/4 exams, 1/2 papers... seriously.
Last night... Seriously last night. My mind and body were seriously not interested in sleeping. I turned off my light at 4am and proceeded to lay in bed watching it get lighter until about 8:30am when I finally fell asleep. It was not good. It's kind of amazing what goes through your mind when you're lying awake for four hours the morning before an exam. That hasn't happened to me in quite awhile. I was composing letters, figuring out my finances, vitamins, teeth whitening, job descriptions, summer employment, photography, appointments to make, garbage trucks, Foucauldian criticism, and rapidly moving back and forth between violent self-hatred and plans for how to better my self-care this summer.
I finally fell asleep and got up again at 12:09 with enough time to read over my notes and have a little breakfast. I was, and continue to be jazzed and innundated Tama with all the fancy things I came up with all night. Ridiculous. Anyway, the exam was fine and I'm feeling... well still awake.
And right now...Oh God, I'm watching Video On Trial. That is some good shit. It sometime it doesn't go so well, but seriously that is a solid show. I have laughed outloud numerous times in the past twenty minutes. Seriously, I can't believe how funny it is. Seriously! Oh my God. It's just incredible.
So yeah, that's my running comentary of Video On Trial. Intelligent.
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