No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween Haikus: an exercise in combatting boredom


Black cats and ghosties
Witches, wizards, jack-o-lantern
Boo! I'm scared.


Dress up your babies
Take pictures and trick or treat
YOU eat the candy


Gimme the candy
it's right there in that bowl, now
Gimme the candy


Transformative moon
Dark deep warmth from cold light
Werewolves are scary


This costume is too big
I tripped on the hem
and swallowed my gum


Don't buy pet costumes
It supports an industy
Based on the lonely


The wind blows through me
nose running, fingers cold and numb but
I want that Oh Henry


Enjoy your pumpkin
Jack-o-lanterns are magic
But they mould quickly


I do not like it
When you sit on your porch and
scare the crap outta me


I am in a mask
Give me those mini twizzlers
I have walked so far


Go away grade nine
You're abusing the system
It's time to let go


Lunchroom bargaining
Candy is like currency
Fill that pillowcase!


Chips, Cheesies, Mars Bars
gum, nibs, dots, milky way
I love Halloween


Blogger Tederick said...

Holy frick. These are awesome. Jess' "gimme the candy" one is the best one. Where's the next FeSI, ladies? Where's the next FeSI?

8:48 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i also like "gimme the candy" best of mine and then "pet costumes" from bex. the nest Fexi will come soon and we're doing themed haikus every week instead of listening to our shakespeare lecture, woo!
i suggest " sex" or " Jesus ".
any other ideas??

11:01 AM

Blogger Tederick said...

I think you guys should do a poetry reading at the beginning of every Fesi. Or is it Fexi now? Fexi's better, though it probably doesn't make sense with the existing acronym.

2:30 PM


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