No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, October 22, 2007

700 Babycakes!

Okay, I'm gearing up to study for my Shakespeare midterm that's happening tomorrow. I keep thinking that maybe it won't happen, but clearly that's delusional. There are many things that I would rather be doing right now, like sleeping, eating, cleaning, watching the rest of the first season of Heroes, or frolicking out in the woods... but alas it is study time. I'm planning to make it more bearable by setting up on my back porch. Global warming makes studying more fun.

This weekend I did a shocking amount of school work and stayed up shockingly late. I have a midterm, a presentation, and a paper due tomorrow, so it's a good thing that I'm not starting it all right now. Yay me! Good thing I'm only taking three courses. I stayed over at Jess' last night and we went to bed at 11:30 and slept in until 10:30, so I shouldn't be as tired as I am. I'm hoping to shake it with some tea and a little lunch before I buckle down. I hate buckling when it's not pirate related.

Oh well, once I get passed tomorrow it will be all craft shows and Halloween parties for the next week. Oh yeah that's gonna be sweet.


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