No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Involuntary Deviance

I've been tossed back into academia, and let me tell you, it is more unpleasant than a morning dip at 7am on a nose-freezing July morning dragging a group of unwilling twelve year old girls behind you in their damp bathing suits. I'm trying, lord how I am trying, but I have the overwhelming sense that what I know isn't good enough, and what I'm interested in knowing is of very little importance. But it's only week two, so I'm grasping desperately at my soul and passion... you can't let go of those until at least week five. And it's not even grey yet.

In bodily news, I'm anxious and crying, my hand was numb today, and my colon continues to try to self destruct while I hold back my imune system with scary drugs. After my classes this week I get to go on a Thursday trip to the hospital. Yay.

On the upside, I'm full of Duchovlove and will be quite sad when I burn through the last two episodes of Californication. I'm thinking my next series to tackle is Freaks and Geeks, but I'm very tempted by Pushing Daisies... does anyone want to buy the first season when it comes out this week and then lend it to me?

The apartment is coming together. There will be a housewarming soon, and it may involve home made pumpkin pie. I'm not sure yet.


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