No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Don't wanna get caught with my hand in the blog jar

Yesterday I slept in and rushed out of the house with as an energetic sleepless Tama bounced around me. Yikes. Then when I arrive at my first class of the day, I was informed that my prof was sick and therefore not coming. Which is all well and good except that it was the last class and now we don't know what to study for the exam. Jerk.

So I debated going home and showering, but instead I ended up taking a TWO hour nap in the Bullring. And not even on a couch. I was chairin' it up in the old chair box. It has resulted in a very sore neck.

The best part of yesterday was that I got my third all-nighter paper back and it turns out that I am the most brilliant woman on earth. On the paper that I wrote between 12:30am and 8am I got.... 88%!!!! What?!!!? Yeah I don't know how that happened. That entire time I was just struggling to remind myself to blink. But I even got an e-mail from the prof congratulating me on my brilliance. I should just never sleep. I would be so cool!

So now I have to come up with what I'm going to say as an MC tomorrow. I warn you now, it ain't gonna be funny. It may be self-depricating and jazz-handy, but mostly just plain not funny. How do you introduce your family members to people who obviously know who they are? I mean, do I say things like "And here's my mom Karen. Teacher... Mother... Jew." This shall be interesting indeed.


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