I'm a Human Vibrator
I'm on day six of basically being on my ass sick. I hate being a whiny sick person, but I've had about enough of this. I'm snotty and nauseous and exhausted. Attractive, no? It's been awhile since I've updated the world on the numb-leg front, so here goes:
After almost thrity days of numbness, my legs came back around the nineteenth. I now have feeling in my legs with a twist. My legs are vibrating. Not in a pleasurable way. It originates from the base of my tailbone and I can feel a sort of resonnance all the way down to my toes. It's as though there's a bass string running the length of my legs. When I hit my ass, it vibrates down to my toes. When I tap my foot it vibrates up to my ass. And sometimes I'll be sitting on the floor and the base of my tailbone starts to vibrate so intensely that I feel like I'm going to start moving accross the floor like one of Sue Johansen's sex toy tests.
I'm able to deal with this, except that feeling like I'm constantly vibrating in motion is making me nauseous. So I did the first round of blood-letting on Friday (two stabs), and I have to go back for more this week once I'm healthy. Then a doctor's appointment, and a neurologist's appointement, and then maybe someone will know what the hell is wrong with me.
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