I feel awful. This was the quickest cold attack I've ever had. I spent all day Monday in Phantom's bed feelin' good, and then on the drive home my throat started to tickle. And now here I am, it's Wednesday and I can't breath. I can't really have any of the soup in my house because it all contains things I can't eat (though I may disregard that) and I'm not cooking real food right now. I'm so off my game, which is terrible because I have a research paper proposal due tomorrow that needs to include 6 sources (two primary), I have an open book test that I need to prep for and a shit load of reading for Friday. I'm also going on more adventures in blood-letting tomorrow. Not good.
Otherwise this weekend was good. My unexpected trip to T-dot was much needed. But now I'm back again this time drained and ill with a million more things to do. I'm trying to stay on top of everything and stay happy but I just want to stay on the couch all day and have someone take care of me.
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