No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Oh Corsica, one day I'll win you over.

Phantom's car hates me. I swear one day she'll challenge me to a battle for his love, and likely she'll win, for she is a car, and I am squishy. Tonight, as soon as I got in the car she started playing crappy music, and as soon as I got out, Floyd came on. Phantom is convinced that she's jealous because when I'm out of town she gets him all the time, but when I'm here I steal him away and distract him from her. Very likely. I know he sweet talks her when I'm not there. I guess fair Corsica has every reason to hate me, but I do hope that I'm never devoured by her passenger's seat in an attempt to be rid of me. I guess I'll know if she's won if I come outside and see Phantom making sweet sweet love to her in my driveway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zoom Zoom......Squish!

1:01 AM


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