P-A-R-T-WHY? Cuz we got to!
Saturday we stumbled out of bed thanks to a phone call from Nomi about a meeting we were supposed to be at. We didn't go to the meeting. Instead Jess and I sat and watched Casper with the same heart hurting enthusiasm from the day before. Yes, yes we screamed and cried at Casper. We then decided to go out and find the movies "Now and Then" and "Strike" because of their brilliance and their influence on our development. But, apparently we're old now, because you can't rent either of these movies at Rogers and they don't sell them anywhere. We were able to track down "Now and Then" at HMV, but "Strike" is going to be more difficult to find. Ah well.
After Casper Jess and I went for a walk in the woods behind our house. It was really nice to go out there. We had a deep conversation about soulmates and kindred spirits. Jess and I both agreed that we are soulmates. Jess has a theory that everyone gets seven soulmates, not just one. And kindred spirits are one step down from soulmates. A kindred spirit is someone that you feel connected to to the point that they can go away for a long time and come back and you still feel the same level of connection. There's no limit to how many kindred spirits you can have. Soulmates are a little deeper. The love and connection is more intense. We decided that romantic love complicates soulmates because there's that threat of a break up. The fact that there's physical aspect to romantic relationships confuses the whole soulmate concept even further. Anyway, it was a good walk.
The evening was a struggle with bitterness. First we couldn't find the movies we wanted, then we forgot a bag of groceries at the Ultra... the whole thing just took a really long time. When we got home we made large quantities of taco salad and ate while we watched the end of "Pootie Tang". Then it was time for "Now and Then". God I love that movie. There was more screaming and squealing and oh yes we did cry. By the time the movie ended Jess and I turned to each other and held each other while we sobbed. So much love. So much missing our early teens and everything this movie meant to us back then.
After that we walked over to Tito's to get some pop and then watched the first 15 minutes of "Fried Green Tomatoes" before SNL started. Oh SNL, it's all becoming more interesting. Last night was an incredibly solid episode. Probably the best I've seen in a while. The best part about SNL at the moment is that it allows us to scream for the love of Andy and Jorma and Akiva. Jorma and Akiva are now writers and Andy is a featured player. Boy do we love them. Jorma and Akiva were extras in two sketches last night and it almost killed us. We crawl-ran at the tv and just pointed and screamed. We later realized we should have been taping the episode so we could have gone back to watch and pause for the love of them. This love is starting to be out of hand. I had a dream about them last night where I was trying to convince myself that Steve would be okay with me making out with Andy Samberg because it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yes. It just hurts to love them. We maintain we didn't know the true meaning of that Philosopher Kings song until this week. Tonight we write them an e-mail. Who knows, a trip to New York may be in order very soon!
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