16 days until my birthday
In case anyone out there is keeping track, it's almost my birthday. The following is a list of stuff that I might like:
Dazed and Confused Criterion Collection
Special Edition Empire Records (with all the added scenes and whatnot)
A Massage
Pretty, fancy (maybe beaded) strings of lights to put around my room
That's all I can really think of right now. I just wanted to make note of it so I didn't forget what to buy in case I don't get them for the old B-day. There's no party or anything planned as of yet, but my birthday is Friday July 28th, and if people are up for something, I'd like to do something. When does clerks 2 come out? Maybe a movie and a drink after? Maybe something hilarious and extravagant? Maybe sitting around in a park because I'll be in woods-withdrawal? Let me know, because I get home the day before and last minute planning sucks (for me). I guess the point is, something will be happening on that Friday night, so if you want to spend my birthday with me, keep it open!
For the love of fuck DON'T POST THAT SHIT ON YOUR BLOG!! I have already purchased birthday items for you and IF ANYONE ELSE READING THIS BUYS THE SAME THING THEY CAN SUCK MY ASS AND RETURN THAT SHIT!!!
12:40 PM
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