No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

"Our cats literally live like fat cats!" -macelod

Ah the anxiety of the night before the first day of school. I'm feeling a little subdued about it, but that could be because I only technically have one class tomorrow. I do, however, have a list of twelve things I have to get done tomorrow. Most of them involve long line-ups. Snah. I'm kind of excited. I have a sick love for checking things off of lists.

I wrote my first Sex with Bex tonight. I had to solicit and make up my own questions though, which made the work take a lot longer. So if anyone out there wants to write me a question and see it published send it on over to Once the column is published in The Peak, I'll post it online here. It will be less exciting because of the lack of fancy formatting, but you still might learn something.


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