Excuse me while I gush for a moment...

On Nov. 1st four years ago I was cleaning my room so that some guy could come over and watch movies with me. It was a date, but I didn't think it was going to go anywhere. In fact I was entirely certain there wouldn't be a second date. The week before I had shown Matt a note he wrote me asking me out. We were at the Second Cup accross the street from Leaside. At the end of coffee I scrunched up the note. Before I tossed it in the garbage Matt said "maybe you should hang on to that to show your grand kids some day". I made a "yeah right" face and tossed it. It would be awesome to have that note!
I swore I wasn't going to kiss him that night, except for maybe a tiny kiss goodbye before he left. Woops. I guess that was my downfall. Three weeks later we stayed up practically all weekend; we went and saw Punch Drunk Love on the Friday night and he came over after, he took me to a party on Saturday where I ended up meeting all of his friends and their families in an outdoor hot tub in the snow, and then we got up early and went to the Santa Claus Parade on Sunday. After the parade he took me for a walk on the U of T campus. He pushed me in a snowbank and I knew I loved him. Happy anniversary to us!
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