No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Post #506

I'm currently procrastinating. I have a paper due tomorrow that I have written 75 words of. I'll get to it. I had a rough morning as I woke up at 9:03 to catch the 9:09 bus. I'm schocked and proud to say that I made it and arrived with 30 seconds to spare before my MIDTERM! Dangerous territory my friends.

At the bus stop though I learned what it's like to see a cracked out person in the daylight in Guelph. Man was this woman on crack. Literally. She was slowly pacing back and forth clomping one foot at a time and holding up her pant legs. There were five of us waiting for the bus, and silently watching this woman. She moved towards this girl standing by the cement poll. When she was about seven feet away from her the cracked out woman looked up and said "could you move please?". The girl stepped out of her path and the woman again began to painstakingly clomp one foot in front of the other. Then she started talking: "I can't walk you know. I never could walk. When I was little I couldn't see either, or hear either. In fact when I was little my dad killed me. I'm dead now. I'm an angel come to take you all to heaven." Then the bus came and she raised her arms to the sky and exclaimed "Get ready for a wild ride!". She didn't get on the bus, so it was a pretty standard bus ride, but I appreciated the enthusiasm that early in the morning.


Blogger Mark Jakerson said...

interesting blog....

10:57 PM


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