"let's just put it in reverse and drive back in time"
I'm sitting watching wifeswap and feeling relatively anti-social. I woke up this morning and left Steve's at 6:20am to meet Tama at 7am for the drive back to Guelph. I struggled through my classes this morning and then came home, had some lunch, and took a nap. Unfortunately my nap got out of control and I ended up sleeping from 3pm to 7pm. This does not bode well for sleeping later. Oh well.
I've just got myself a bad feeling. I think I'm just going to do some reading tonight and then try to go back to bed. I have a lot to do tomorrow. And I can't find my VISA card, which makes me incredibly nervous. I don't want the hassle of cancelling because I'm pretty sure it's around somewhere, but if I don't find it that will suck. Frusterado.
There's a little danger happening in my brain.
Chin up, Becca Woo. Nothing bad is going to happen.
Wait you're not Jewish are you?
9:09 PM
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