No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Annie Get Your Bong

I think there's only been one or two days where I haven't cried in 2007... which is not good, but interesting anyway. I'm trying to keep my life a bit together and it's a bit messy. But I finally put away my clothes that I brought back from the break, which is a vast improvement.

Last night the Box had a whole bunch of people over to watch The L Word for our Lesbian Pop Culture class. Everyone ended up staying and talking and laughing and yawning until 1:30am. It was excellent. It was just nice to have some new people around and hear some new stories, and get some big laughs for my old ones. So there world! The Box isn't only friends with each other!

I went to the gym today to start my journey towards loosing 40 pounds... well at least I went.

And I talked to my Macelod who says "Don't forget our souls are intertwined so we're not cosmically appart!". She seems to be doing well and I miss her a lot. I'm glad I got to talk to her though because I was feeling all disconnected. I haven't lived with out Jess for more than like 3 weeks in the past four years... and it hurts a little bit.

If anyone feels like making the trip to see me this weekend let me know. It's going to be a little bit lonely.


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