No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Empty Partially Blue Room

Oh my. Clearly we all know that I am mentally unstable, but at least when I'm feeling as drained and upset as I am I know I'm not completely far gone because I'm able to feel a sense of relief among all the feelings of wanting to stay in bed all day. After last nights fiasco of potential tenants and tears I got some relief from Jess' mom tonight. She took the pressure off a lot. We're going to keep trying to find someone, but we shouldn't feel forced to live with someone that we don't feel comfortable with. Anyway, we'll keep the posting up and keep showing the room, because living with a 40-ish woman who has two kids and a husband in Thornhill isn't ideal. She seemed nice enough, but the fact that she showed up with her car packed up and ready to move in right then was unsettling. That, and the fact that since she left the house she has called me three times to find out if she can move in even though I told her I would call her at 8pm tonight, makes me feel strange about her moving in.

I'm trying really hard to not get too emotionally involved with this whole thing, but I'm a little worried about how frantic this woman seems to get into a place in Guelph. I'm just concerned there's something scary going on, and not just that she's sick of driving. Anyway, it's probably better that we don't get involved, but I still worry a little. It's not my job... it's not my job.


Blogger Tederick said...

I don't see why you even think it's your job. Tell her to piss off. Tell her you already rented the place, and if she calls you on it, tell her you think she's crazy and you'll say whatever it takes to make her go away. Come on, it'd be fun!

6:45 PM


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