No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Lung Butter

I'm back in the Goo after my weekend of feverishness and experiments in Judaism. It all went generally well. I did a bit of reading and not much else. My head is feeling a little less cloudy today so hopefully I'll be able to put some words on paper.

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and it turns out I've got me a bronchial infection. I usually don't go to the doctor for coughs and colds, but I've got me some anti-biotics and hopefully it will all clear up soon. I'm still coughing and sniffly and generally not well, but I slept through last night without waking up coughing every hour, so that's good, and I haven't been coming in and out of a fever all day today. I attended shabbot dinner with a mild fever and I was pretty much delirious with fever on Friday afternoon.

They tried to do more blood work on Friday and failed. I got a digger and it hurt worse than it has in a long time. I imagine being in my weakened state didn't help with that. I have to go fill three more vials and it's very upsetting.

I would mostly just like to go to bed right now, but I can't use the magic note so much that it screws me in the end. That defeats the magic.

But my bed is so comfy...


Blogger Tederick said...

Can I fully recommend the development of "Lung Butter" as a band name? If Jessica Fletcher weren't marked and locked in, I'd jump on that like Mark on a 14-year-old. OH!!

8:10 PM


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