Lung Butter
I'm back in the Goo after my weekend of feverishness and experiments in Judaism. It all went generally well. I did a bit of reading and not much else. My head is feeling a little less cloudy today so hopefully I'll be able to put some words on paper.
I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and it turns out I've got me a bronchial infection. I usually don't go to the doctor for coughs and colds, but I've got me some anti-biotics and hopefully it will all clear up soon. I'm still coughing and sniffly and generally not well, but I slept through last night without waking up coughing every hour, so that's good, and I haven't been coming in and out of a fever all day today. I attended shabbot dinner with a mild fever and I was pretty much delirious with fever on Friday afternoon.
They tried to do more blood work on Friday and failed. I got a digger and it hurt worse than it has in a long time. I imagine being in my weakened state didn't help with that. I have to go fill three more vials and it's very upsetting.
I would mostly just like to go to bed right now, but I can't use the magic note so much that it screws me in the end. That defeats the magic.
But my bed is so comfy...
Can I fully recommend the development of "Lung Butter" as a band name? If Jessica Fletcher weren't marked and locked in, I'd jump on that like Mark on a 14-year-old. OH!!
8:10 PM
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