Just Call Me Cherry Aimless!
I'm back in the T-dot now for my day of appointments... well two appointments. As it turns out the MS clinic thought that I had a neurologist following up with me this past year. Which is funny, because they are they only neurologist style folk I've been seeing in the last two years and I made it quite clear I wasn't going to see that person in Guelph again. Strange.
So MS is back on the table, though I don't think I have it. I'm going to have to do another evoked potential test at some point and another brain and neck MRI. I also went to see my cranio-sacral therapist today who said she doesn't think I have MS and made me feel a lot better. If anyone wants to make a donation to some cranio-sacral treatments you just let me know, because it ain't cheap but it's mind-blowingly effective. Last time my numbness stopped three days after the appointment, so think happy thoughts and maybe it will happen again!
Now I'm going to eat mountains of sushi in Steve's bedroom while doing homework... which is watching the movie Far From Heaven for a paper I have to write. Excellent.
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