No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Now take out your aprons class!

Yesterday Tama and Nomi were looking at OISE's teacher's college website for what teacheables qualify you to teach which courses. You'll never believe what Women's Studies is a teacheable for... Family Studies, which consists of Food and Nutrition, and Home Ec. I can't decide if it's hilarious or incredibly insulting that four years of studying feminist theory and the status and oppression of women throughout history qualifies me to teach highschool kids how to make a pair of boxer shorts. I think those classes are incredibly important in high schools and I totally regret not getting to take them because of my wacky French classes, but it makes no sense that when I finish my undergrad that I should be able to teach these classes. I have no idea how to make a pair of boxer shorts!

I feel like they don't know what their unleashing on the "Family Studies" curriculum if they're recruiting Women's Studies students to teach. There's going to be a lot of homemade sex toys coming out of that class when I get in there.


Blogger Tederick said...

Yeah, so? Cook me a pot pie woman!

6:24 AM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

Oh thank God! A comment!

12:23 PM

Blogger Tederick said...

YOU'RE a comment.

12:13 AM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

You WISH I was a comment!

12:47 AM


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