No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I'm so glad Lost was heart warming. My heard needed some warming tonight. My heart was also warmed by the fact that my prof is allowing me to write my midterm another time, so I feel much better. Today I sat staring blearily at my notes today and worried about how I was actually going to write this thing and not do terribly. I'm just going to sleep in and take care of myself tomorrow. It's this new thing I'm trying where I'm trying to be nice to myself and take help when I need it, and despite the opinion of the medical community... I need it right now.

I'm trying to embrace my piratitude at the moment, this being day two of wearing the eye patch. Yesterday I got a Boo-Ju (Booster Juice) and left without paying, then let out a mighty "Yarr!". I am a pirate. Ye be warned.

I'm starting to think that perhaps I've just lost my mind. The eye doctor today told me I don't need glasses, I have no eye disease, and my eye seems to be functioning entirely normally. But shouldn't the consideration that I'm just insane negate the manifestation of my psychosis? Nomi says I have to really BELIEVE it. I'll work on that. Oh well, I've got some sweet blood work on Friday (hopefully) and then a follow-up at the hospital. I don't know what else to do, so I'll just keep downloading books on tape and colouring cunts to stay awake while I listen to them.

The facilitator at my group dealy told me last night that I need to do more public happy dances to celebrate small things that I do that are actually more impressive than I give myself credit for. I'm a little worried about coming across as a big leo ham, but perhaps I need to embrace that a little bit more right now.

Yarr. I'm awesome. Savvy?


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