That's not thunder, it's the Angel of Death Passing Over
I'm upstairs singing at my computer and feeling pretty damned good about it. I'm in a positive headspace about finishing this paper, even if I haven't opened it yet. I think it's fair to chill out for a minute after a solid 10 hour day at school. I may even pull an all nighter for kicks. I don't really know. I'm just going to maintain how I'm feeling right now.
As I write my family is having a seder without me, which is sad. I got a phone call from them at 9pm. They were just starting the meal portion of dinner. It's kind of lonely being out and away while Passover is happening. I really dislike missing holidays. It's just one of those important things for me, and missing the seder is just so against the point of Passover it feels silly. And then next year it will role around and it will come up that I missed it because of school and I'll feel strange. Bah.
I hope you all enjoyed your matzoh balls!
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