No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, May 14, 2007

The only thing I want at room temperature is my ROOM!

Oh lord. All is generally well in the world of Bex. I did me some double yoga on Saturday, which was unexpected but enjoyable as hell. I had a can't-stop-giggling-fit at the Bagel shop after making the title joke of this post. Mmmm yoga. I plan to go again on Thursday. Or maybe Wednesday.

I say things are generally well because I'm having experiences of what it's like to challenge people and ask serious questions in the real world without being able to vent in my snuggly Centre. (That sounds delicious). So I've come on an impromptu hide-out trip to the Lang's house which will be followed by a B-ville sleepover with Jess tonight. So far we've been watching the first season of Lost, sleeping, and dealing with my stressful e-mails. It's like Beastly all over again but with threats of friendships as opposed to removal of board seats. I hate being put in the feminazi box just because I asked a few strongly worded questions.

It's nice to be out here while dealing with these e-mails. It's not going to be over by the time I get back, but at least I don't have to deal with this weirdness alone.


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