No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

lilac fresh?

I've never really known air freshener people. I mean, my grandfather was an air freshener person, but I always attributed that to an age thing. Plus, as a child I really liked to spray the air freshener up in the air and watch the little droplets float down. It's very strange living with people who are so terrified of the smell of their own shit that they spray so much air freshener that I can smell it from down in the livingroom.


Blogger Tederick said...

THEY WANT YOU TO LIKE THEM. And here you are blogging about their insecurities behind their back! For shame, e-becca, for shame! I hope there's a blog entry out there that reads

"I've never really known vagina-positive people. I mean, my grandmother was an a vagina-positive person, but I always attributed that to an age thing. Plus, as a child I really liked to colour in the Cunt Colouring Book and make little droplets float down from the attractive punanis. It's very strange living with people who are so into the appearance of the human vagina that they paint a giant technocolour vagina on their bedroom door so bright that I can see it from down in the livingroom."

I really do.

12:11 PM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

Ow, well now I feel like a horrible person. I also kind of hope that post exists.

11:07 PM


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