I'm a rockin' Vagina DJ
I don't know what it is about those Black Eyed Peas, but almost every song they've ever put out seems so stupid at first, and then it becomes unbearable to go through a day without listening to it three or four times. Except that stupid graduation-y song... that one is just unbearable.
I came home today before the storm hit, jumped in the shower to cool off after walking around in the sunshine, and when I got out the wind had picked up so much that I had to throw on a skirt and tank top and run out on the balcony to rescue my couch cushions and other balcony accessories. As I rushed around collecting all of our stuff the wind nearly knocked me over and it wouldn't stop blowing my skirt up over my head. So if you were on Yonge street near my place today around 6:20pm, you're welcome!
I've been off the blogging for just over a week now due to final paper time, but I am now officially done my course work and I'm taking a little break before I head into thesisizing. Yay! I've done very little all week. Responsibilities pick up a little next week, but not too badly! There will be plenty of time for napping! I'm realizing that being out of school might mean that I have to budget my restaurant spending a little more. All I want is lunch specials when I'm here for lunch time! Very dangerous. I may have to invest in some fancy cheeses and satisfy my lunch cravings with delicious grilled cheese. This seems like a reasonable solution.
Oh yeah, my team raised $1,534.50 for the MS Walk! Go team!
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