Mbatu O'Malley
I've been hella sick for the past couple of days. Just drained and achy and sleepy. I've watched much television and the occaisional film, snuggled with my Chihua and learned how to knit. I had a disappointing encounter with Napolean Dynomite today. I actually turned it off half way through.
The most exciting thing that happened today was the fact that I ran out of wool. Yes, after years of crocheting I have ventured into the world of knitting and it's all very exciting. My knitting style has been described as stabby, but I think I'm getting the technique a little more under control.
Anyway, tonight I'm on my way to Goo-loph for a little Christmas with my Phantom. Blogular reviews shall abound.
woah, woah... WOAH! You didn't like Napoleon Dynamite?!!
BLASPHEMY!!!! It's quite possibly the funniest movie I've seen in YEARS!! he's so awesome. I pour scorn on your opinion of this film classic. I plan on buying it, so you'll learn to love it. I;m sorry you're sick. If I was there I would give you baby kisses on your cheek to make you feel better. I'm watching Gilmore Girls right now and Paris is currently going on a date with tristan which leads me to lament the fact that my name is not Isolde.
well... I'm off to buy the flowers myself so I'll discourse with in the future!
Bye, love Jess!!
7:39 PM
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