No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, April 25, 2005

I need some serious clown care

This afternoon we had cake and tea, watched Sideways, I made falafel for dinner, and now we're watching Dirty Dancing Havana Nights... again. The obsession with this movie in the Box is strong and blue-ballingly bizarre.

I think the rest of the night will be spent with movies and candy and sleeping. It's good that I have i bit of time to decompress after my weekend at home. Don't get me wrong, there were a lot of excellent moments this weekend. More good then bad for sure, just the bad ones were much louder than the good.

I lost my ebay bid on the last glo worm that I need for my collection again! Those bastards who wait until the last minute! Ah well, I guess I keep looking.

There's something about five girls my age in a car singing songs from Jagged Little Pill that just seems so right.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

BLUEBALLS!!! Damn you PG rating!


1:39 PM


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