No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

That's a Nice Duck

I've officially lost Steve in Vice City. If the game had come out two weeks later it would have been perfect because he could have gotten lost at the same time as I'll be getting lost up north, but no. It's kind of funny. Our conversations are now soundtracked with screeching car wheels and the sweet sounds of hookers getting killed. Hopefully I'll be able to tear him away from it at some point this week, but for now I'm just practicing how to talk like a radio ad in the game to advertise Bex's Sweet House of Doin' It so I can lure him away from the strip clubs.

Today is such an intensely summer holiday kind of day I can't believe it. I slept in until one, and then watched Law and Order, now I'm contemplating getting dressed. I think I'm going to read on my deck for awhile and then go to the gym. I have places to be tonight, which makes it even more summer holiday-esque, as though I slept in just to make sure I'd be awake tonight. Hilarious.

I'm trying to enjoy this week because I'm becoming SEVERELY anxious about this coming weekend. Yowzas I definitely signed up for more than I should have, and now I'm going to have to miss out on a family weekend at the cottage. This is a bad thing. Oh the stress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post more so that I can know what's going on in your life.


5:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh. Also, what's Ananda's last name??


5:25 PM


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