No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Where's the Beef? It's on my Nature Burger!!!!!!!!

Despite the anxiety on Thursday, this weekend has been mightily satisfying thus far! I made 200$ at my craft show (which turned out to be like six tables of crafts... half were jewlery), but my display worked out really nicely and I am making business plans for the Guelph market and various other possible selling locations. I want to get a button maker so badly! I know that I can sell them in Guelph. The only button I sold at this show was one of my baby chihua. I thought that was hilarious.

Yesterday was eventful. I got up at nine and went to the gym followed by a quick shower and a table read. I was so sleepy and so nervous when I got there. Holy intimidation Batman. Yeah... that's some Batman. I actually got to say "Batman." Thrilling. I haven't sat at a table reading lines since Jitters, and this time I wasn't a man, so that was some good. I forgot how natural it feels and how much I love it. I got to get me more script!

I think I need to look for some monologues over the summer while I have some time because I always end up freaking out and deciding that I have too much school work to do, so I just give up and then I never get cast... obviously. Anyway, maybe next year is the year that a-la Avenue Q I make the school play, change my major and fuck my T.A. Well maybe not that last one.

Life is good with my Phantom. We snuggled our way through last night's burlesque, all the way to the subway ride home today. The show was fun last night. During Mark's final act I yelled out "You're Ridiculously Adorable" and the folks sitting around us looked at me disgustedly. Fun. I'm always so proud of him! Anyway, I'm feeling good and hoping the goodness carries through the rest of the week.


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