Recant eh? Fitting Title
I'm in a bad situation here. One that affects my everyday life and two very important realtionships to me. It's a situation that I have no right to have any say in or that can be fixed. It's something I will get over, it just isn't happening yet. I'm frustrated that it's taking me so long to stop being a jerk, and yet my frustration is coming out. I have had real conversations and expressed my real fears and it's not secret that this is how I feel. As much as I try not to be an alienating bitch, I slipped up with my vomit comment last night. So to all those who are aware of what that was referring to, I apologize. It was mean... and I knew it. Like I said, bottled frustration coming out. I guess it's a difficult line of how expressive one should be in a sort of public forum.
Oh yeah, the vomitting. That was hilarious. I honestly didn't even think of that till you pointed it out. Way to go pointer!
But seriously: should we all just move our blogs completely off-site and not let anyone we know read them? I'm getting that way with mine... or more accurately, I'm writing whatever the fuck I want and getting really pissed off if I get any shit about it. Mine is an evil laugh.
9:20 AM
It wasn't mean, it just made me sad. You should be able to say whatever you want though. I'm not about to stop you or ask or expect an apology. You have every right to your feelings.
12:43 AM
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