I'll do anything for a nice hat.
It got dark again. I made it about two weeks without a big crash, but I broke last night. There's nothing that makes me feel worse than interrupting a film student watching a film, but sometimes I cross those lines. There's something about the wind and the rain and the gray and the yelling and the fighting and the hurting that's starting to take me down. I'm trying to stay out of that sappy student expositional prose that plagues so many online journalling. I suppose I'll just shut up for now and cry it out.
It figures that I finally get off my ass and find a counselor and after five sessions she goes on a four week sick leave. I don't know how much it was helping anyway, but it was something. As much as I really don't want to and can't afford to, I think I have to start paying someone to listen to me.
Wanna pay me? Maybe solve a couple of problems at once, yes?
3:56 PM
That is the best idea I've heard all day! If not paying you I could at least buy you lunch! Or maybe a nice hat!
7:20 PM
Did you ever look into your student health plan for covering that? Do it, do it, cuz York definitely has some coverage
10:15 PM
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