No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Ya Dunna Ken that, did ya?

I'm in the mood to eat straight garlic. Is that weird? I think I'm going to have to request a roasted garlic appetizer at some point over the holiday season. I'm sure I could figure out how to do it, but not doing the work makes things taste so good. So I'm staring off into space instead of doing work, and I feel pretty okay about it. I'm just sleepy and spacey and I'm going to work my ass off tomorrow. I got a phone call tonight from home telling me that my grandad is not doing too well. He seems to be in his last moments. I haven't seen him since April, so I'm feeling like I should be trying to get there. I don't know. Apparently he's decided not to bother with Canadian English anymore and he's just "Talkin' Scotch". I think that that's awesome. My Grandad has spunk and I appreciate his stubborness.


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