No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, January 30, 2006

CSA AGM: part deux

It took me forever to get home today. Physically and emotionally. I'm here though and I'm okay. I'm exhausted and I don't want to do any work. My room is a mess and I'm not prepared for tomorrow. The grocery shopping is done, but I missed a meeting. Shit.

Tonight was the CSA AGM reprise and it all turned out in our favour. Luckily the Aggies saw the error of their ways and decided that minoritized voices do deserve to have a voice on the student council. Brilliant. It gave me a little faith that the world is not always as bad as it seems.

Also, I've just confirmed that I'm secretly in love with Macelod. We were talking about pearl necklaces and she did the EXACT same bit that Steve did this weekend. Eerie.

Jess/Steve (imitating a girly voice): For Valentines Day, my boyfriend gave me a pearl necklace!
Steve/Jess (responding): Oh really? Can I see it?
Jess/Steve (girly voice): Oh no, I washed it off.


Blogger Tederick said...

That's weird - I'm also secretly in love with Macelod! don't tell her though. She doesn't read this thing right?

6:58 AM


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