No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

where is my mind

The word depleated isn't as good as its French translation, but I guess that's the word I've been looking for all these years to describe how I'm feeling. I slept in today and it's only eight o'clock but my body is definitely shutting down instead of being pumped up for work. My head is cloudy and I just feel heavy. Not good. I even took a brief kitten nap and it's not helping. So I'm listening to the slow song mix from my last compy. And waiting for this to pass.

I'm going for a counselling session tomorrow and I don't really know what I'm going to talk about. I kind of laid everything on the table last time and now I don't know what to do. I have nothing else to say, but I also can't change anything because I just don't have the energy. Bah. This blog is starting to feel like I'm walking hip deep in sand. It's all the same thing lately. Maybe something brilliant and hilarious will perk this thing up. Or maybe I'll start photographing my genitals and posting them.

I'm going home this weekend and it's all very scary.


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