I'm Supposed to be Sleeping
Alien in my Ear Canal
Blog Con Queso
Como estad bitches to all, and to all a good night
Deep Vaginal Well of Knowledge
Exam, or Anal Beads
Fasting? I need to be slowing down!
Goobs, goobs, everywhere the goobs!
He is... how you say... a bag of douche.
I've got multiple holes and I'm not choosy
Just a wee drap that's all
K... I need to write more titles with Ks
Like Cunt and Fuckhole Dirty?
No Thang Abbey: Longing For Balls
Oh Probsty.
Puuuuuuhhhh? Diiiiiiiiiiiiiinnng?
Quick Matty Price! (the only Q!)
Revenge of the Syph...illis
Snow Dad is better than No Dad!
Trump Up the Jam
Unsatisfactorily painful
When a woman gives birth to a crack baby you don't buy her a puppy.
X... no Xs either
You'll have to excuse me, I'm a little stiff from bowling
Z... no zeds. Anti-climactic. Zanti-climactic.
Wow. That is fucking COMPELLING, man. I should try to do that on mine.
7:55 AM
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