No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

sleepy jean

I went to bed at 12:50am last night, which is earlier than I've been to sleep in the past three weeks and I slept through my class this morning. I am unimpressed. I got up for the thunderstorm. Then slept until 10:07.


Blogger Tederick said...

Have you considered the possibility that you have a legitimate sleep disorder?

a) you're always tired

b) you never seem to get enough sleep

c) when you get a lot of sleep it's still no good.

I know "trust the medical community" is the watchword of late, but hey, if you went to a sleep clinic you might learn all kinds of things about why you're so weird-looking when sleeping.

2:43 PM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

that's not a bad idea... you bastard. How do I get into one of those majiggers?

5:38 PM

Blogger Tederick said...

Ask Matty Price. (www.Mattyprice.WorksatRogers.Awesome) He did one last year and now he gets to sleep with a Darth Vader breathing aparatus every night that forces him to breathe normally and sleep deeply. It's like being Darth Vader. Only it's Matty Price.

10:28 PM

Blogger Urban Faery said...

Matty Vader? or Darth Price?

11:00 PM

Blogger Tederick said...

Technically it would be Darth Price. Although since Darths get to come up with their own ominous sounding last name it could be Darth Jew. (Ominous!)

7:57 AM


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